Welcome to my website!
Hello, this webpage is going to be mostly dedicated to programming, as well as whatever I'm interested in. I am currently working on tutorials for atari2600 programming and nes programming. This website is still under construction and
looks rough at the moment. I will try my best to update it frequently.
I am mostly working on the layout of the website first, then I am going to be working on the tutorials.
About Me
Hello, I am a mostly self taught programmer, my favorite language to program in is C, I also love C++. I created this website as more of a way to push me to do more with programming rather than just sitting around doing nothing with it. I mostly program for older systems, that includes Atari and NES, which are the ones I have (sort of) figured out. I have also messed with the PS1 sdk as well as
the Goldsrc engine.
I am also a huge 80s fan, I love collecting and hoarding anything and everything from that decade. This includes consoles, games, cassettes, vhs tapes, cameras, and whatever else I can find. I also love listening to
music, mostly rock/metal or anything adjacent to that genre. I am also a huge fan of horror games and movies and I love playing 0 budget itch.io horror games.